If you struggle with time or don’t have access to gym equipment, this minimalist bodyweight workout series is for you!
In this article, you’ll learn ten minimalist bodyweight workouts that require no equipment for your workouts at home. This means they can easily be done when you’re on the road, in the gym when it’s busy or at home without any equipment! Whether you’re super fit looking to do Crossfit workouts at home or just beginning your journey, these workouts have detailed how-to videos provided to help you on your way!
Key Takeaways:
- A minimalist bodyweight workout offers a quick and effective workout wherever you are
- Minimalist bodyweight exercises can be progressed based on your fitness level and abilities
- Perfect for the time-poor individual, add minimalist bodyweight workouts into your “go-to” workouts for when you are short on time
The minimalist bodyweight workouts you will see are the first 10 at-home workouts of my 66 program. The workouts are designed to be between 30-60 minutes in duration with a “challenge” session sent on day six (best done on Saturday) which will last a little longer.
If you are wanting to exercise to lose weight fast at home, check out my article with the 5 best exercises for weight loss at home depending on your abilities and experience.
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- 5 Starting Strength Standards | A Minimalist Strength Guide
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Do at-home workouts really work?
When trying to get better fitness at home we need to work out what fitness means to you. That could mean improving your:
- Mobility and movement
- Strength
- Body composition
- Aerobic or Anaerobic conditioning or;
- All of the above
The best part about workout out at home is that you can work on everything on the list with no equipment or start with some equipment like kettlebells if you’re willing to master the skills and movements.
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Why choose a Minimalist Bodyweight Workout?
There can be many reasons why we opt for a minimalist bodyweight workout program. Whether it’s time, interest or whether we just want at home no equipment workouts because we don’t have access to a gym they have multiple benefits for our training goals.
- They force you to focus on the basics: Without elaborate gym equipment, a minimalist bodyweight workout makes you focus on the essential movements and exercises everyone should master
- They highlight weaknesses and asymmetries: Once we start to get into single leg and split stance movements like Bulgarian split squats and single leg deadlifts the imbalances between sides start to show. This allows us to focus on injury prevention as asymmetries in the body can increase our risk of injury
- They allow for mastery: If we have too much equipment available, we sometimes jump around our programs and never focus on mastery of movement. After a while, a basic minimalist bodyweight workout program will become easy so progressing the difficulty of movement is one way to learn to master movement.
Before you begin you should screen yourself for any issues, limitations or injuries that may affect your ability to move well using something like the at-home mobility test, the 10 Step Self Screen. Once you know what you need to work on, you can then start training, making sure you begin your minimalist bodyweight workout with a warm-up like this.
Workout #1 – Chipper 60
Complete all reps of every exercise for time. Exercises can be done in any order and repetitions in order to complete the workout.
- 60 Crunches
- 60 Squats
- 60 Push-ups
- 60 Leg Raises
- 60 Jump Squats
Similar to doing Crossfit workouts at home you can try and beat the clock or for a beginner workout at home, you can take your time and focus on the execution of technique.
Workout #2 – AMRAP 30
Complete as many rounds of the below exercises in 30 minutes. Exercises must be done in order.
- 10 Dips
- 10 Alternating Lunges L/R
- 60 sec Plank
- 20m Crawl
Workout #3 – MAF 30
For 30min maintain your Maximum Aerobic Heart Rate (180bpm minus your age) and nothing higher complete one of the following:
Run, Walk, Ride, Swim or Yoga
NOTE: Your total session should not exceed your MAF. If your heart spikes throughout do not worry, just slow down and bring your heart rate back down. Once again if you don’t have a HR monitor, Being able to maintain a conversation will keep you under your MAF.
Workout #4 – EMOM 15
Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes complete:
Broken Down Burpees
- 5 Hand Release Push-ups
- 5 Burpee Transitions (top of push-up position to a squat position)
- 5 Jump Squats
And then complete:
MAF 30
For 30min maintain your Maximum Aerobic Heart Rate (180bpm minus your age) and nothing higher complete one of the following:
Run, Walk, Ride, Swim or Yoga
Preferably complete this outdoors.
Workout #5 – 100 Club
Complete all reps of each exercise for time. Exercises must be done in order.
- 100 Squats
- 100 Cossack Squats (50L/50R)
- 100 Skater Lunges each side L/R
NOTE: If you are new to exercise or returning to exercise change your skater lunge to a split squat or standard bodyweight lunge.
Workout #6 – Challenge Day
For 7 minutes, alternate between the following with no rest;
- 60sec Plank
- 30sec side plank L
- 30sec side plank R
If you cannot make the full time break it down to shorter sets and switch. The key is not to break at all in 7mins.
Workout #7 – MAF 30
For 30min maintain your Maximum Aerobic Heart Rate (180bpm minus your age) and nothing higher complete one of the following:
Run, Walk, Ride, Swim or Yoga
Workout #8 – IBWT (Interval BodyWeight Training)
Complete the first 5 rounds, have a 2-3min break and complete the second 5 rounds.
5 Rounds of:
- 10 Push-ups then
- 20m Crawl then
- 60 sec Rest
2-3min Rest between rounds then;
5 Rounds of:
- 10 Jump Lunges L/R
- 40m Shuttle Run (20m up and back)
- 60 sec Rest
Workout #9 – Chipper 80
Complete all reps of every exercise for time. Exercises can be done in any order and repetitions in order to complete the workout.
- 80 Dips
- 80 Squats
- 80 Hollow Rocks
- 80 Side Taps
- 80 Mountain Climbers
Workout #10 – AMRAP 30
Complete as many rounds of the below exercises in 30 minutes. Exercises must be done in order.
- 60sec Plank
- 60sec Superman Hold
- 30sec Side Plank L/R
- 20m Crawl
- 20m Walking Lunge back to start
There you have it, the minimalist bodyweight workout doesn’t have to be that complicated. Once you master the basics you can add movements like the pistol squat, single arm push-up, pull-up, back bridge and hanging leg raise into your program. You can even attempt programs like Minimalist Easy Strength where you can repeat the same at-home workout every other day and really watch your strength improve.
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